Advisory, Architecture, Interior, Planning, Structures
Date of Completion
Matthew Grech
500 sq.m

+ About

A transformative project which celebrates the heritage of architect Alberto La Ferla’s architectural legacy, blending tradition with contemporary design. The design interventions respect the original fabric whilst ensuring a seamless connection between spaces, extending generously to the upper roof terrace. The project embraced a “Green Living” philosophy, guiding the transition from the old structure to a more open, occupiable space culminating in a lush rooftop landscape serving as a private retreat. The main functional focus of the architectural intervention is on maximizing the house’s potential as a family-friendly, open-plan living space with innovative elements permeating the project, from creative material and colour choices to the careful selection of bespoke furniture.


Advisory Team: Adrian Mangion, Kurt Fenech & Rachel Bezzina

Conservation Team: Andrea Bianco

Design Team: Anthea Huber & Daphne Bugeja

Structures Team: Fabio Spiteri Grech & Kurt Fenech

Planning Team: Andrea Bianco


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